Yorha #2 Type B—or 2B for short—is from the Nier Automata game. It's a robot girl who can easily cut off a man. But as everyone knows, their feelings remain momentary and often even pity. Although we cannot confirm, Safewords can be useful for them.
If you've ever played a game and "What are you doing?" Unlocked, try lifting your skirt 10 times to get a trophy - this is your chance to get the real thing. She won't push you away this time. WM Doll has provided very faithful entertainment. If you check her official specs in "Neil: Automata World Guide" to understand her height, chest, hips, and waist, you'll find that WM silicone sex doll fixed that in inches. Luckily they haven't brought her weight up to the official weight (around 120kg!) so she's still very light and small.
This style comes from the game world, the style is very bold and innovative, Japan is also very popular and popular, hoping to be liked by more people.