Men last longer during sex through cheap sex dolls than masturbating.
Masturbation is a one-time activity. you can spin it
When I'm not trying to make it last longer while masturbating by slowing it down, pausing, or lengthening it, I usually come in two to three minutes.
When you masturbate, you are the leader of the army. Right from the start you start from scratch. You initiate yourself, you set the pace and you ejaculate.
The sexual stimulation a man feels with a woman is much greater than when he is alone.
It sounds like a contest when you say "last long in sex". It's not a performance when it comes to sex. There is no standard amount of time it should take you to ejaculate.
Pace matters because the faster you thrust, the faster you ejaculate. The pace depends on how strong you are and how comfortable you are. When masturbating, it's just your thoughts with fantasies and your hand with your penis. You can either increase or decrease the tempo as needed. During sex, it's your whole body moving and rubbing against your partner, which is tiring. The same pace can no longer be continued.
If you want to keep going for a long time, don't just keep pushing at the same pace. Slow down and change tempo at the same time.
Do not rely on the time it takes you to ejaculate and compare it to others, especially those shown in porn. Rest assured that you and your lifelike female sex doll enjoyed the act.