Why are silicone dolls called realistic sex doll? First, the sculpted doll's skin is a perfect replica because it uses full body modeling techniques and applies specific materials to the body model. You can see the texture and feel of the skin. Secondly, because the head sculpt of this sexy doll is a waxed silicone head, the details of this head sculpt are simulated very well and are very realistic. Eyebrows and eyelashes also grow successfully. In this regard, Beerdoll offers a visual realism that makes it difficult to see both the real and the fake from a distance.
Good TPE love dolls, while equally realistic and realistic, also have some downsides. Almost all of our friends agree that the sex dolls are a bit heavier and can be made easier, and they are realistic enough to keep gamers entertained. would be better, would be more convenient.
The doll is so heavy that some people can't play with it, which is the worst injury in the industry, so there's no need to reduce your wallet. Even today's live-action puppets are not immune, as the puppets are losing weight and the adult version weighs at least 30 kilograms. Normal players find them difficult to play, and playing with them means they are mentally exhausted and consume a lot of energy.
In response, developers in many factories said they would focus on developing lightweight love dolls to meet the needs of friends, design and manufacturing companies. We really need a satisfying real-life doll. Of course, it takes time, but friends can be patient and not let people down.
A lot of people wanted this silicone doll to come true back then and they put a lot of effort to make it happen. Today, after some adjustments, the real doll is also presented to you in full. Because of the company's attitude, many friends have expressed that they will patiently wait for its development and changes. We received great support from our American friends who said they will continue to follow the development of sex dolls.
At present, it is difficult for real love dolls to get rid of obesity, but I think with the development of technology and the advancement of technology, it can decrease and bring relief to more people. I can say that people are really looking forward to the gospel.