Those who buy real dolls for the first time are more likely to get caught by these scammers who want to get rich quickly.
Contact the respective real cheap sex dolls brand to check if the seller is licensed. The brand is happy to share this information with you as they don't want you to fall victim to a scammer as this in turn will damage their brand. If the seller is approved, you can continue. But if they are unauthorized, you should use them!
Contact the specific sex doll brand to check if the seller is approved. The brand is happy to share this information with you as they don't want you to fall victim to a scammer as this in turn will damage their brand. If the seller is approved, you can continue. But if they are unauthorized, you should use them!
This is probably the most important part of the process and the one that scammers are most interested in. Reputable sellers often offer multiple payment methods to meet the different needs of their customers. So make sure you're buying from a seller who accepts multiple forms of payment. I recommend paying through PayPal as it offers security for your money. When paying, please make sure that the quality of the sex dolls corresponds to your money offer.
Also make sure you know the manufacturing process, shipping time, whether you would like to receive photos before shipping, etc. As the saying goes, two heads are better than one, it is important to get a friend or partner's opinion, before making a purchase. Opinions or experiences can help make the right decision about who to buy from or not to buy from. Even if you are buying a silicone sex doll to enhance your bedroom experience with your partner, you need their opinion so that you can enjoy the purchase even more when it is delivered.
Incredibly good deals for too low a price
Unauthorized sellers, rogue websites, websites without credible reviews, websites that promise great deals but have no web history or don't respond to emails, chats, etc. ……
Global Express, Alibaba, Amazon, eBay......Yes! Even though these popular and reputable websites mostly have fake offers and scammers, they only last a few weeks or days, they basically copy or steal photos and ship very low quality products, we have seen many customer cases when they receive products or themselves want to complain that the seller is "Missing In Action" "...
In short, anyone can fall victim to this vice. First-time buyers of sex dolls, in particular, run the risk of falling into the sharp teeth of these get-rich-quick scammers. With more scams being reported each year, it's important to be careful not to become the next victim. From time to time, scammers use their skills to respond. That is why we have developed this guide for you. Please read it carefully and learn how to avoid getting scammed when buying sex dolls.
At SRSD we understand how scary it can be to buy sex dolls online. We have always placed great importance on customer service, and our sex dolls are designed to meet the needs of our customers. All our dolls are made to order or for you, entirely to your liking, and we always send you a photo of the doll before we ship it to you for verification. We are an authorized supplier of