Shipping and Payment
Shipping and Payment:
Contact us:
Our website is encrypted using Secure Sockets Layer, the most widely used security protocol. The use of SSL technology ensures that all data transmitted between the web server and the browser remains encrypted.
Bank card:
All your banking and personal information is completely safe thanks to the SSL encryption protocol. This is the highest level of encryption to keep transactions safe.
Make sure your credit card has sufficient payment limits before making a payment, as many payments are declined due to low daily, weekly or monthly limits.
Paypal allows you to purchase your doll in installments using Aurore, Cofinoga / Privilège or Cofidis 4 star cards.
Delivery to the delivery address specified by the customer, stating that this address must be the address where the customer or any other natural person of his choice resides. Once your local bank confirms your payment within 3 days, we will send you an online tracking number. To meet these deadlines, customers must provide accurate and complete shipping address information (eg: house number, building number, staircase number, access code, name and/or intercom number, etc.). Generally speaking, the delivery time will take about 12-15 working days.
If you would like to learn more about the process faster or would like to change your shipping address, please contact us at the email address below.
Please confirm your shipping address and contact information, we are not responsible for incorrect or undeliverable addresses. delivers via DHL, UPS. Your order will be processed after payment is received. We will send you an email as soon as our bank has confirmed your payment.
The reliability of Internet transactions is recognized, and the information you encrypt on your computer will never be wiped off the Internet.
Make sure your payment is complete and confirm that your information is correct.
Our price calculations include all taxes and charges (TTC). The private carrier will contact the customs department to pay for these import charges and customs charges. In most cases, you do not need to pay any additional customs fees. In rare cases, customs fees may apply. In this case, DHL and FeDex prepay these fees to customs, so it must be paid directly to the carrier when your silicone doll is delivered.
In most cases these import charges are already included in all our prices and you do not need to pay any extra. However, for certain destinations, and in exceptional circumstances, the carrier may require customs fees. Don't worry, we will refund your money immediately.
Return the following data and documents to us by email within 7 days of the date these fees are paid:
- Copy or photo of proof of payment with the carrier (DHL, FedEx or TNT)
- A copy or photo of the delivery note (on the doll's box)
- Your order reference
- We will refund you within 7 days